This is the beginning of a comeback story — and you can help!
Abdul El-Sayed, candidate for Governor of Michigan showing support for the Fight for 15 Movement.

Abdul El-Sayed, candidate for Governor of Michigan showing support for the Fight for 15 Movement.

Michigan once paved the way to progress for generations of working people. But after years of cruel GOP policies that led to lost jobs and poisoned water, we have a chance to return this state to its rightful place as a leader in economic fairness and social justice.

As three candidates vie for the Democratic nomination, there’s only one contender who really stands out — Abdul El-Sayed, the former head of the Detroit Health Department, who is running on a visionary progressive platform that can transform the state and inspire the rest of the nation.

If you’re looking for a truly progressive candidate to help get out the vote through calls, texts, and social media sharing during this primary election, you’ll definitely want to read on.

El-Sayed is just 33-years-old, and he gets stuff done. A Rhodes Scholar who attended public schools, he’s aiming for more than just the usual incremental changes that fail to even touch the real issues facing working people. A doctor and educator, El-Sayed became the youngest health official of a major city, and helped revive the failing Detroit Health Department. Now he wants to bring the same results to the rest of the state. His platform has detailed plans to achieve a $15 minimum wage, true universal healthcare, tuition free college, high-speed broadband across the state, and clean water for our kids. Everything he wants to do is focusing on ensuring fairness, creating opportunity, and making work really pay.

If El-Sayed wins, it would be a major landmark moment for Michigan. But with a close primary set for early August, we are going all-in to help secure the Democratic nomination. The Working Families Party, with its incredible legion of volunteers working on the ground and at home, has been a huge part of primary victories for gubernatorial candidates including Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Ben Jealous in Maryland. Now it’s time to bring that collective determination to Michigan.

The Working Families Party has pledged to contact tens of thousands of Michiganders, but you don’t have to be in Michigan to help out — anyone can volunteer from the comfort of their own home. Here’s how:

  • If you like talking on the phone and spreading the word, phone-banking is an incredible way to connect with voters! The WFP Call Team makes it easy to dial up voters and get them engaged. In fact, right now, phonebanking is the most effective way to reach voters that need a reminder and to hear more about Abdul. Great news, you can do this from anywhere in the world!
  • Join up with the WFP4theMany text crew to connect with WFP members and supporters and get them to the polls or invite them to join a canvassing event near them! It’s especially helpful with young or first-time voters.
  • Or if you live on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the Social Media Strike team needs your help making memes and getting our important message to go viral.

The primary is right around the corner, so sign up now to get started, and feel good knowing your hard work can help bring people-powered change to Michigan, and the rest of the nation.

Dylan Easterday