
With the news of Elizabeth Warren suspending her campaign, I wanted to share our official statement below, but also, in a less official way, really thank all of you here that really went all in with WFP4Warren -- together we made thousands of phone calls, helped with millions of texts, talked to our friends and family with programs like Reach, hosted events, parties, training, and knocked on tons of doors -- and YOU SHOULD ALL FEEL INCREDIBLY PROUD.

I'm sad, a bit bitter, but more resolved than ever to work like hell this election season to elect all the progressives we can, especially progressive women and candidates of color, so that we have a bench and future that looks like the county and leadership we need and deserve.

I also want to thank all the members and past volunteers that early on added their voices in principled and civil debate on the issues and candidates with me and others in this space. WFP4theMany is meant to be open and a good place for principled struggle with each other - because that is the best way for us to learn from each other too!

Let's keep that up and in mind as we work together these next several months. There are big things to come for this community, our projects, and this party.

Onward & thank you for all you do!

In response to reports that Elizabeth Warren will end her 2020 presidential campaign, Working Families Party National Director Maurice Mitchell said: 

“We are so grateful for Elizabeth Warren’s groundbreaking campaign. 

Senator Warren pioneered policies that shaped the 2020 primary, from a wealth tax to universal childcare. Her speeches were love letters to the power of organized people, especially women who were underestimated or counted out or told they didn’t matter. 

Her campaign embraced accountability to social movements, improved after being critiqued, and developed policy in partnership with those most harmed. She eviscerated Michael Bloomberg’s record on national television, and helped stop his half-billion dollar assault on American democracy. She put racial justice front and center, and understood that if one of us was left behind, all of us were left behind. Finally, she inspired feminist hopes of a brilliant woman president, telling people in selfie lines that she was running “because that is what girls do.” The contest is poorer for Senator Warren’s exit. 

It has been an honor to be a part of this fight with Elizabeth. Her presidential campaign may be over, but the fight for her vision of big, structural change continues.” 

The Working Families Party is a progressive grassroots political party building a multiracial movement of working people to transform America. The WFP endorsed Sen. Warren in September 2019.